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金渝钦1, 孟顺龙1,2, 徐慧敏2, 宋超1,2, 范立民1,2, 裘丽萍2, 李丹丹3
1.南京农业大学无锡渔业学院 江苏 无锡 214128;2.中国水产科学研究院淡水渔业研究中心 农业农村部水产品质量安全环境因子风险评估实验室 中国水产科学研究院内陆渔业生态环境和 资源重点开放实验室 江苏 无锡 214081;3.中国水产科学研究院淡水渔业研究中心 农业农村部水产品质量安全环境因子风险评估实验室 中国水产科学研究院内陆渔业生态环境和 资源重点开放实验室 江苏 无锡 214082
为探究生物絮团模式下大口黑鲈(Micropterus salmoides)养殖水环境及氮磷收支情况,在300 L玻璃缸中进行实验,设置空白组(投喂基础饲料)和生物絮团组(外加葡萄糖维持系统C/N为15),每组设置3个平行,放养密度为20尾/缸,进行60 d的零换水养殖实验。结果显示,与空白组相比较,生物絮团模式下养殖系统水体中的NH4+-N、NO2–-N、NO3–-N、TN和TP含量均有显著降低(P<0.05),分别减少了57.07%、80.22%、30.50%、24.64%和31.47%。饲料是养殖系统氮、磷输入的主要方式,分别占空白组和絮团组氮总输入的(90.60±0.08)%、(87.16±0.19)%,占磷总输入的(96.08±0.19)%、(92.30±0.24)%。收获的大口黑鲈是养殖系统氮输出的主要方式,分别占空白组和絮团组氮总输入的(43.04±1.42)%、(44.17±1.53)%;而底泥累积是养殖系统磷输出的主要途径,分别占空白组和絮团组磷总输入的(75.92±0.47)%、(74.70±0.71)%。絮团组氮的绝对利用率和相对利用率分别为(44.17±1.53)%、(50.69±1.87)%,均高于空白组的(43.04±1.42)%、(47.51±1.60)%,但差异均不显著(P>0.05);而絮团组磷的绝对利用率和相对利用率分别为(17.41±0.14)%、(18.87±0.20)%,均显著高于空白组(13.06±0.36)%、(13.59±0.38)% (P<0.05)。研究表明,生物絮团模式养殖大口黑鲈能调节养殖水质,降低氮、磷累积,提高养殖生物对氮、磷的利用,具有良好的生态效益,对促进我国水产养殖健康绿色发展至关重要。
关键词:  Biofloc  Micropterus salmoides  Aquaculture water environment  Nitrogen and phosphorus budget  Utilization rate
Aquatic environment and nitrogen and phosphorus balance in Micropterus salmoides culture under biofloc model
JIN Yuqin,MENG Shunlong,XU Huimin,SONG Chao,FAN Limin,QIU Liping,LI Dandan
1.Wuxi Fisheries College, Nanjing Agricultural University, Wuxi 214128, China;2.Freshwater Fisheries Research Center, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Risk Assessment Laboratory for Environmental Factors of Aquatic Product Quality and Safety of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Key Open Laboratory of Inland Fishery Ecological Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Wuxi 214081, China
According to the United Nations, the global population is expected to grow by another 2 billion to reach 9.7 billion by 2050. The food production sector faces a great challenge in meeting the growing demand for food with limited land. In this regard, aquaculture may play a key role in maximizing the use of various aquatic resources to produce a wide range of food organisms using a combination of intensive farming practices. However, intensive and semi-intensive Chinese aquaculture practices have led to problems such as water quality decline, disease outbreaks, and environmental degradation, hindering the sustainability of the industry. To address the conservation and biofloc technology has emerged as an eco-friendly solution that maintains water quality, supports environmental conservation, and facilitates material cycling. Excessive feed and fertilizer addition in aquaculture activities results in an undesirable buildup of nitrogen and phosphorus within the aquaculture system. This accumulation not only degrades the water quality and surrounding environment, but also facilitates the spread of numerous pathogens, posing a significant threat to aquaculture organisms. To mitigate this issue, it is crucial to assess the nitrogen and phosphorus budget in aquaculture systems, tracing the sources and destinations of these nutrients. By quantifying the inputs and outputs of nitrogen and phosphorus, we can gain insights into their utilization efficiency within the system. This understanding is vital for enhancing water quality, minimizing ecological pollution, optimizing feed utilization by aquaculture organisms, and ultimately promoting the sustainable development of the aquaculture industry. While the nitrogen and phosphorus balance of various cultured organisms in diverse aquaculture systems has been extensively explored, a gap in knowledge regarding the nitrogen and phosphorus balance in the Micropterus salmoides biofloc technology culture models remain. Additionally, there is a need for systematic monitoring and collection of pertinent data to fill this gap in knowledge. To investigate the aquatic environment and nitrogen and phosphorus balance of M. salmoides under the biofloc model, an experiment was conducted in 300 L glass tank. The experiment comprised of a blank group, which was fed a basal diet, and a biofloc group, where glucose was added to maintain a C/N ratio of 15. Each group had three parallel setups, with a stocking density of 20 tails per tank. The experiment ran for 60 days, employing a zero-water exchange aquaculture mode. The results revealed a significant reduction (P<0.05) in NH4+-N, NO2–-N, NO3–-N, TN, and TP levels in the water body of the biofloc group compared to that of the blank group, with reductions of 57.07%, 80.22%, 30.50%, 24.64%, and 31.47%, respectively. The results showed that feed was the main source of nitrogen and phosphorus in the blank and biofloc groups, contributing (90.60±0.08)% and (96.08±0.19)% in the blank group, and (87.16±0.19)% and (92.30±0.24)% in the biofloc group, respectively. The main output of nitrogen was harvesting of M. salmoides, which accounted for (43.04±1.42)% of the input nitrogen in the blank group and (44.17±1.53)% of that in the biofloc group, respectively. Sediment accumulation was the main pathway of phosphorus export from the culture system, which accounted for (75.92±0.47)% of the input phosphorus in the blank group and (74.70±0.71)% of that in the biofloc group, respectively. The absolute and relative utilization rates of nitrogen in the biofloc group were (44.17±1.53)% and (50.69±1.87)%, respectively, which were higher than those of the blank group (43.04±1.42)% and (47.51±1.60)%; however, none of the differences were significant (P>0.05); whereas the absolute and relative utilization rates of phosphorus in the biofloc group were (17.41±0.14)% and (18.87±0.20)%, respectively, which were significantly higher than (13.06±0.36)% and (13.59±0.38)% in the blank group (P<0.05). These results indicate that the biofloc model of M. salmoides culture can regulate the aquaculture water quality, reduce nitrogen and phosphorus accumulation, and improve nitrogen and phosphorus utilization efficiency by aquaculture organisms with ecological benefits, which is crucial for promoting the healthy and green development of aquaculture in China.
Key words:  生物絮团  大口黑鲈  养殖水环境  氮磷收支  利用率