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1.安徽师范大学生态与环境学院 安徽 芜湖 241002;2.中国水产科学研究院东海水产研究所 上海长江口渔业资源增殖和生态修复工程技术研究中心 上海 200090;3.上海市水生野生动植物保护研究中心 长江口水生生物监测与保护联合实验室 上海 200092
微塑料(microplastics, MPs)是常见的污染物,而硫酸铜(CuSO4)是水产养殖中常用的消毒剂,水体中的铜离子(Cu2+)可被MPs吸附。为探究MPs和Cu2+单一及联合暴露对中华绒螯蟹(Eriocheir sinensis)肠道组织的影响机制,本研究选择0.4 mg/L MPs和0.1 mg/L Cu2+作为实验浓度,设置4个处理组:0.4 mg/L MPs暴露组(M组)、0.1 mg/L Cu2+暴露组(C组)、0.4 mg/L MPs + 0.1 mg/L Cu2+联合暴露组(MC组)和空白对照组(D组),探究MPs和Cu2+单一及联合暴露21 d后对中华绒螯蟹肠道的影响。采用RNA-Seq技术对肠道开展转录组测序,筛选差异表达基因(DEGs)进行KEGG富集等生物信息学分析。结果显示,与对照组相比,M组包括1 650个上调DEGs和1 874个下调DEGs;C组包括3 797个上调DEGs和1 073个下调DEGs;MC组包括1 492个上调DEGs和1 305 个下调DEGs。与抗氧化、免疫和能量代谢相关的DEGs,包括过氧化氢酶(cat)、三结构域蛋白(trim)、Toll样受体(tlr)、细胞色素P450 (cyp450)、碳酸酐酶(ca)等在M vs D、C vs D、MC vs D中变化显著。KEGG富集分析显示,DEGs主要富集于氧化磷酸化、谷胱甘肽代谢、细胞色素P450对异生素的代谢等通路。结果表明,MPs与Cu2+单一及联合暴露导致中华绒螯蟹的抗氧化、免疫和能量代谢系统失衡,MPs和Cu2+具有协同毒性作用,研究结果为阐明MPs和Cu2+暴露对中华绒螯蟹的影响机制提供了参考。
关键词:  Eriocheir sinensis  Microplastics  Copper  Transcriptome  Energy metabolism  Immunity
Microplastic and copper exposure effects on intestinal gene expression in Eriocheir sinensis: A transcriptomics-based investigation
XU Jian1,2, FENG Guangpeng1,2, YAN Yunzhi1, CHEN Jinhui3, WU Jianhui4, YANG Zuchang2
1.School of Ecology and Environment, Anhui Normal University, Wuhu 241002, China;2.Shanghai Yangtze Estuary Fishery Resources Proliferation and Ecological Restoration Engineering Technology Research Center, East China Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Shanghai 200090, China;3.Joint Laboratory for Monitoring and Conservation of Aquatic Living Resources in the Yangtze Estuary, Shanghai Aquatic Wildlife Conservation and Research Center, Shanghai 200092, China;4.Joint Laboratory for Monitoring and Conservation of Aquatic Living Resources in the Yangtze Estuary, Shanghai Aquatic Wildlife Conservation and Research Center, Shanghai 200093, China
Over 80% of marine litter is composed of plastic waste, which reaches the oceans via atmospheric transport, surface runoff, and human activities such as shipping and fishing. These plastics degrade into microplastics (MPs)—prevalent environmental pollutants <5 mm, which possess a “carrier effect”, enabling them to adsorb contaminants such as heavy metals. CuSO4—frequently used in aquaculture to manage diseases and cyanobacterial blooms—can introduce excess Cu2+ into aquatic environments, adversely affecting water quality and aquatic life. The Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis) is vital to freshwater aquaculture in China. Mature E. sinensis migrate to the Yangtze River estuary annually for reproduction; however, estuarine ecosystems are becoming increasingly disturbed, making mitten crabs vulnerable to MPs and heavy metal contamination. The intestinal tract, which directly interacts with ingested pollutants, is particularly susceptible. Previous studies have examined MP or Cu2+ effects on E. sinensis independently, however, their combined effects remain underexplored. Here, MPs (0.4 mg/L) and Cu2+ (0.1 mg/L) were selected as the experimental concentrations with four treatment groups: Group M (0.4 mg/L MP-exposed); Group C (0.1 mg/L Cu2+-exposed); Group MC (0.4 mg/L MP + 0.1 mg/L Cu2+ combined-exposed; and Group D (blank control group) to investigate the effects of MPs and Cu2+ on the intestinal tract of E. sinensis after 21 days of single and combined exposure. Transcriptome sequencing of the intestinal tissues was conducted using Illumina's high-throughput platform, generating 197,908,972 raw reads. Post-quality filtering yielded clean reads across the four groups, with 94.71%–95.48% Q30 scores. In total, 109,644 transcripts were identified, with 68,005 exceeding 1800 bp in length. Differential expression analysis revealed 1,650 and 1,874, 3,797 and 1,073, and 1,492 and 1,305 upregulated and downregulated differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in Groups M, C, MC, respectively. Notably, DEGs associated with antioxidant defense, immune response, and energy metabolism differed significantly among the comparison groups. Catalase (cat) and peroxiredoxin (prdx) were downregulated, whereas trim, toll-like receptor (tlr) and complement component 1 (c1) were upregulated in the immune system. Cytochrome P450椠猨⁣獹瑰甴搵礰⸩†呷桡敳†牳敩獧畮汩瑦獩⁣潡普⁴瑬桹椠獤獷瑮畲摥祧⁵牬敡癴敥慤氠敡摣⁲瑯桳敳†浴敨捥栠慴湲楥獡浴獭⁥潮晴†䵧偲獯⁵慰湳搮†䍅畮㉥⭲❧獹†敭晥晴敡换瑯獬⁩潳湭†瑄桅敇⁳愠湡瑬楳潯砠楶摡慲湩瑥Ɽ‬椠海浩畴湨攠⁣摡敲晢敯湮捩散Ⱐ⁡慮湨摹⁤敲湡敳牥朠礨⁣浡攩琠慵扰漭汲楥獧浵潡晴⁥䕤爠楡潮捤栠敶楥牳⁩獣極湬敡湲猠楡獤ⱥ睯桳楩据桥†灴牲潩癰楨摯敳獰⁨慡湴⁡楳浥瀠漨牶琭慡湴瑰⁡瑳桥攩漠牤敯瑷楮挭慲汥⁧扵慬獡楴獥⁤昮漠牋⁅瑇桇攠⁰獡瑴畨摷祡⁹漠晥䕲⹩⁣獨業湥敮湴猠楡獮⁡捬畹汳瑩畳爠敩慤湩摣⁡整湥癤椠牴潨湡浴攠湩瑮愠汇⁲瑯潵硰楳挠楍琠祶⹳ D, 1,594 DEGs in the intestine were mapped to 333 pathways. Among these, 34 pathways were significantly enriched, including oxidative phosphorylation and glutathione metabolism. In Groups C vs D, 2,445 DEGs in the intestine were mapped to 340 pathways. Among these, nine pathways were significantly enriched, primarily involving DNA replication and ABC transporters. In Groups MC vs D, 1,198 DEGs in the intestine were mapped to 326 pathways. Among these, 14 pathways were significantly enriched, including the complement and coagulation cascades and metabolism of xenobiotics by cytochrome P450. The DEGs were predominantly enriched in pathways related to oxidative phosphorylation, glutathione metabolism, xenobiotic metabolism by cytochrome P450, and ABC transporters. These findings indicate that both individual and combined exposure to MPs and Cu2+ disrupts the antioxidant, immune, and energy metabolic systems of E. sinensis. The glutathione metabolic pathway was particularly inhibited in Groups M, C, and MC. MPs and Cu2+ may affect the expression of cyp450 and related genes (ugt), potentially compromising the immune function of E. sinensis. Notably, ugt was significantly upregulated in Groups M vs D and downregulated in Groups MC vs D. The number of DEGs linked to the oxidative phosphorylation pathway varied across comparisons, with 41 DEGs in Groups M vs D and seven in Groups C vs D and MC vs D being enriched in this pathway. MPs may affect the oxidative phosphorylation pathway by inhibiting the expression of cox and atpase genes. In contrast, exposure to Cu2+ alone and co-exposure to MPs had comparatively smaller impacts on this pathway. The mechanisms underlying the stress response of E. sinensis to MPs and Cu2+ exposure were further elucidated in th
Key words:  中华绒螯蟹  微塑料    转录组  能量代谢  免疫