Assessment on aquatic eco-toxicity of environment friendly drilling fluid in Chad Lake oildom
投稿时间:2011-06-29  修订日期:2011-09-05
中文关键词: 乍得油区  斑马鱼  泥鳅  钻井液  生态毒性  毒性单位
英文关键词: Chad Lake  Brachydanio rerio  Misgurnus anguillicaudatus  Drilling fluid  Ecological toxicity  TUa
张聪 中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所上海海洋大学水产与生命学院 
陈聚法 中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所 
赵俊 中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所 
马绍赛 中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所 
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      以国际标准组织(ISO)规定的淡水污染指示生物斑马鱼Brachydanio rerio和乍得湖区优势种泥鳅Misgurnus anguillicaudatus为实验对象,采用96h急性毒性试验,以96h半致死效应浓度(96h LC50)和毒性单位(TUa)为指标,对乍得油区石油勘探开发所用钻井液进行水生环境生态毒性评价及分级。实验结果表明,1号钻井液样品对斑马鱼和泥鳅基本无毒害作用,2号钻井液对斑马鱼和泥鳅均具有低水平毒性效应。2号钻井液对斑马鱼和泥鳅的96h LC50分别为42 362 mg/L、50 861 mg/L, TUa分别为2.36、1.97。对比发现,由于2号钻井液比1号钻井液多了一种添加剂——低荧光白沥青(JHBA-2),生态毒性即由无毒激变为低毒性,因此该添加剂具有明显的环境生物毒性,可在今后的研究开发中弃用或寻求低毒及无毒替代品。
      Aquatic eco-toxicity of drilling fluid for petroleum exploration in Chad Lake oildom was evaluated and graded using Brachydanio rerio as the common biomarker in aquatic toxicology and the Misgurnus anguillicaudatus as the dominant species, by the methods of 96h acute toxicity test for aquatic organism and toxicity unit (TUa). The results showed that Sample 1 had no acute toxicity effects on B. rerio and M. anguillicaudatus,in contrast, Sample 2 had a low-level toxicity to both of them. The 96h LC50 of B. rerio and M. anguillicaudatus stressed by Sample 2 were 42,362mg/L and 50,861mg/L with the TUa 2.36 and 1.97 respectively.The comparison of the components of two samples showed that by the addition of an additive named JHBA-2(a kind of hypo-fluorescencent white asphalt), the toxicity of Sample 2 was many times higher than Sample 1.This indicates that JHBA-2 has a severe eco toxicity, thus it should be abandoned or substituted by something low toxic or nonpoisonous in research and development.
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