Detection of human noroviruses in shellfish in China: A meta-analysis
投稿时间:2022-05-19  修订日期:2022-06-06
中文关键词: 中国  贝类  人源诺如病毒  检出率  荟萃分析  横断面研究
英文关键词: China  Shellfish  Human noroviruses  Prevalence  Meta-analysis  Cross-sectional studies
蔡淑珍 广东省科学院微生物研究所 华南应用微生物国家重点实验室 广东省微生物安全与健康重点实验室 农业农村部农业微生物组学与精准应用重点实验室 广东 广州 510070 
李贻静 广东省科学院微生物研究所 华南应用微生物国家重点实验室 广东省微生物安全与健康重点实验室 农业农村部农业微生物组学与精准应用重点实验室 广东 广州 510070暨南大学生命科学技术学院 广东 广州 510632 
薛亮 广东省科学院微生物研究所 华南应用微生物国家重点实验室 广东省微生物安全与健康重点实验室 农业农村部农业微生物组学与精准应用重点实验室 广东 广州 510070 
高珺珊 广东省科学院微生物研究所 华南应用微生物国家重点实验室 广东省微生物安全与健康重点实验室 农业农村部农业微生物组学与精准应用重点实验室 广东 广州 510071 
蔡伟程 广东省科学院微生物研究所 华南应用微生物国家重点实验室 广东省微生物安全与健康重点实验室 农业农村部农业微生物组学与精准应用重点实验室 广东 广州 510072 
徐明芳 暨南大学生命科学技术学院 广东 广州 510632 
吴清平 广东省科学院微生物研究所 华南应用微生物国家重点实验室 广东省微生物安全与健康重点实验室 农业农村部农业微生物组学与精准应用重点实验室 广东 广州 510070 
张菊梅 广东省科学院微生物研究所 华南应用微生物国家重点实验室 广东省微生物安全与健康重点实验室 农业农村部农业微生物组学与精准应用重点实验室 广东 广州 510071 
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      人源诺如病毒(Human Noroviruses, HuNoVs)是引发食品安全事件的重要病原微生物。贝类为滤食性动物,是HuNoVs污染传播的重要媒介。本研究搜集了我国贝类污染调查的横断面研究文献,综合评价了贝类中HuNoVs的污染现状。通过检索中国知网、维普、万方、中国生物医学文献数据库、PubMed和EMbase数据库,从所获得的600篇关于贝类污染HuNoVs相关文献中筛选纳入37篇。采用Stata 14.0软件进行荟萃分析,结果显示,我国贝类中不同基因型HuNoVs的混合检出率达15% (95% CI: 11%~18%)。亚组分析显示,GⅡ基因群检出率(11%)高于GⅠ基因群(4%);地理位置对贝类中病毒污染水平影响显著(P<0.01),华南地区、华北地区、华东地区的检出率分别达到19%、17%和11%,而东北和西北地区则分别为4%和9%;此外,季节差异明显,其中,冬季的病毒检出率最高(25%),而夏季仅为10%,春季、秋季则分别为16%和12%;不同品种贝类的病毒污染同样存在差异,其中,牡蛎(Ostreidae) (16%)、贻贝(Mytilus edulis) (10%)和蛤(Mactridae)(9%)中病毒检出率居前三。综上所述,我国贝类中HuNoVs污染较为普遍,地区、季节、贝类品种等因素均对病毒污染存在显著影响。本研究结果有助于综合掌握我国贝类中食源性病毒污染现状,为精准防控食源性HuNoVs传播提供研判依据,促进贝类产业的高质量发展。
      Human norovirus (HuNoV) is a non-enveloped, single-stranded, positive-stranded RNA virus belonging to the family Caliciviridae. HuNoVs are important pathogenic microorganisms responsible for causing food safety incidents. Numerous species of shellfish are characterized by their abundant nutritional value, excellent healthcare function, and a high economic value. As a filter-feeding animal, shellfish filter the seawater at a rate of 4–20 L per hour and ingest microalgae to meet their physiological needs. Additionally, shellfish are able to continuously accumulate viruses from seawater into their bodies, resulting in a concentration ten or even thousand times higher in their tissues than in the environment. In recent years, more attention has been paid to HuNoV contamination in shellfish in China, and related monitoring studies have been conducted in different areas. However, most of these studies focused on a certain region in a certain period of time, and some species, which are not conducive to a comprehensive understanding of the overall prevalence of HuNoVs in shellfish in China. Meta-analysis refers to the methods which focus on contrasting and combining results from different studies for identifying patterns among the study results or other interesting relationships that may come to light in the context of multiple studies. This study aimed to collect cross-sectional data on the studies conducted on shellfish contamination in China. The search terms used were Norwalk virus, norovirus, shellfish, bivalves, oysters, mussels, clams, cockles, and scallops in all the databases (CNKI, VIP, CBM, WanFang Data, PubMed, Web of Science, Embase, and Cochrane Library). A total of 600 studies on HuNoV contamination of shellfish were initially included in the data. First, 303 duplicate studies were removed, leaving 297 studies remaining. One meta-analysis, 11 reviews, and 16 meeting abstracts were excluded from the first analysis. In the second analysis, abstracts of the remaining 269 studies were read by two independent reviewers, further excluding 221 studies in which experimental designs did not meet the inclusion criteria. After carefully reading the full text of the 48 studies, 11 of them were excluded. Ultimately, 37 studies were included in the final analysis. The total sample size in these 37 studies was 17 162 among which the maximum number of samples in a single study was 2 955, and the minimum was 52, and the total number of HuNoV-contaminated samples was 1 970. The meta-analysis was conducted using Stata 14.0, and the effect size was defined as the prevalence of HuNoVs (percentage). Moreover, the heterogeneity of the studies was examined using Q test (P-value) and I2. The pooled prevalence of HuNoVs in shellfish was found to be 15% with an I2 value of 97.22%, which indicated a strong heterogeneity among the 37 studies. We then grouped them based on genogroups, area, season, and species using a random effect model. As a result, GⅠ and GⅡ were found as the two most prevalent genogroups. As revealed by the results, the prevalence of contamination of GⅠ alone, contamination of GⅡ alone, and the combined contamination of GⅠ and GⅡwas found to be 3%, 10%, and 1%, respectively; both Beijing and Guangdong contributed the most with seven studies, followed by Zhejiang with five studies. In addition, there were four studies conducted each in Jiangsu and Shandong, and Fujian contributed with three studies. Two studies were conducted in Gansu, Guangxi, Hebei, Liaoning, and Shanghai. Only one study has been conducted in Hainan. The geographical location exhibited a significant impact on the prevalence of HuNoVs (P<0.01), and its prevalence in South China (Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan), North China (Beijing, Hebei), and East China (Fujian, Jiangsu, Shandong, Shanghai, and Zhejiang) reached 19%, 17%, and 11%, respectively, while those in Northeast China (Liaoning) and Northwest China (Gansu), which were not coastal areas, were 4% and 9%, respectively. HuNoVs contamination in shellfish was found to be significantly correlated with the season. At low temperatures, the virus is more persistent, and shellfish metabolism may be inhibited. Our results showed that the prevalence of HuNoVs was the highest in winter (25%), only 10% in summer, and 16% and 12% in spring and autumn, respectively. HuNoVs may contaminate a wide variety of species during the pre-harvest or post-harvest stages. Oysters, clams, and mussels have been recognized as the most common seafood on the table and therefore these are the most investigated. The results of this meta-analysis revealed that the prevalence of HuNoVs in oysters, mussels, and clams was 16%, 10%, and 9%, respectively. The possible reasons why oysters showed the highest prevalence among all shellfish are as follows. One, the oyster farming area is located in shallow bays, which are easily contaminated by domestic sewage. Second, different oyster tissues contain HuNoV receptors (human histo-blood group antigens (HBGAs)-like carbohydrates) and protein-ligands (oyster heat shock protein 70), which can specifically bind to HuNoVs. In summary, HuNoV contamination in shellfish is common in China, and the region, season, and species exhibit significant effects on the prevalence of HuNoVs. The results of this study are beneficial for gaining insights into the HuNoV contamination in shellfish, demonstrating the importance of continuous HuNoV monitoring. Future studies should establish some effective control measures to ensure the sound growth of the shellfish industry in China.
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