Screening for qRT-PCR internal reference genes in Clarias fuscus
投稿时间:2023-10-06  修订日期:2023-10-06
中文关键词: 胡子鲇  qRT-PCR  内参基因  表达稳定性
英文关键词: Clarias fuscus  qRT-PCR  Reference gene  Stability of expression
沈奕君 广东海洋大学水产学院 广东省名特优鱼类生殖调控与繁育工程技术研究中心 广东省水产动物病害防控与健康养殖重点实验室 广东 湛江 524088 
朱奕安 广东海洋大学水产学院 广东省名特优鱼类生殖调控与繁育工程技术研究中心 广东省水产动物病害防控与健康养殖重点实验室 广东 湛江 524089 
杨志华 广东海洋大学水产学院 广东省名特优鱼类生殖调控与繁育工程技术研究中心 广东省水产动物病害防控与健康养殖重点实验室 广东 湛江 524090 
叶明慧 广东海洋大学水产学院 广东省名特优鱼类生殖调控与繁育工程技术研究中心 广东省水产动物病害防控与健康养殖重点实验室 广东 湛江 524091 
周大颜 广西壮族自治区水产引育种中心 广西 南宁 530001 
李广丽 广东海洋大学水产学院 广东省名特优鱼类生殖调控与繁育工程技术研究中心 广东省水产动物病害防控与健康养殖重点实验室 广东 湛江 524088 
田昌绪 广东海洋大学水产学院 广东省名特优鱼类生殖调控与繁育工程技术研究中心 广东省水产动物病害防控与健康养殖重点实验室 广东 湛江 524089 
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      实时荧光定量PCR (qRT-PCR)是研究基因表达有效的工具之一,选取合适的内参基因,是获得可靠的基因表达结果的关键。本研究以胡子鲇(Clarias fuscus)为研究对象,采用qRT-PCR技术检测了13个候选基因(actb1、actb2、ef1a、eef1b2、rpl13a、rpl13、ccdc124、cfl1、nm23、eif3g、rap1a、ikbkg和ywhab)在胡子鲇性腺不同发育阶段和成鱼不同组织中的基因表达情况,并利用BestKeeper、GeNorm、NormFinder和RefFinder软件分析其表达稳定性,以筛选在胡子鲇性腺发育和不同组织中稳定表达的内参基因。结果显示,13个候选内参基因的定量PCR引物均可获得特异性扩增产物。在性腺不同发育阶段,候选基因表达稳定性顺序为actb2>rpl13>actb1>cfl1>rap1a> ef1a>rpl13a>ikbkg>eif3g>nm23>eef1b2>ywhab>ccdc124,成鱼不同组织中稳定性顺序为actb2>rpl13> cfl1>rap1a>ef1a>rpl13a>ikbkg>eif3g>nm23>actb1>eef1b2>ywhab>ccdc124。随后,选择稳定性前二的actb2和rpl13作为候选内参基因,分析zp3、atp2b3、slc13a5和parp8基因在胡子鲇雌、雄性腺中的相对表达量,结果进一步证实,以actb2为内参时,其雌雄性状差异基因表达水平更接近于转录组结果。综合分析表明,actb2基因可作为内参基因用于今后胡子鲇性腺不同发育时期和不同组织间功能基因表达特征的研究。
      Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) is one of the most widely used molecular techniques, which allows the detection and quantification of gene expression due to its high sensitivity, specificity, and reproducibility. To increase the reliability of the experimental results, internal reference genes are used to normalize the data. However, previous studies have shown that the stability of internal reference genes is influenced by experimental conditions and interspecies variations, and no universal internal reference genes have been identified for all species. Therefore, suitable internal reference genes must be identified for each species. The Hong Kong catfish (Clarias fuscus) has strong adaptability, high nutritional value, and tender flesh, and it was first introduced to large-scale aquaculture in the Guangdong and Guangxi provinces in the early 1970s. Currently, it is a key aquaculture species in the Guangdong-Guangxi region and one of the freshwater economic fish cultured in southern China. Thus, fairly extensive molecular biology and genetics studies of C. fuscus have been conducted, which in turn has increased the demand for quantitative gene expression analysis by qRT-PCR in these animals. Consequently, there is a growing demand for quantitative gene expression analysis by qRT-PCR in C. fuscus for various molecular biology and genetics studies. However, few studies have evaluated the internal reference genes for this species. Therefore, we aimed to identify suitable internal reference genes in different tissues and different stages of gonadal development of males and females to provide the necessary tools to support subsequent gene expression pattern analysis. In this study, we examined the expression of 13 internal reference genes (actb1, actb2, ef1a, eef1b2, rpl13a, rpl13, ccdc124, cfl1, nm23, eif3g, rap1a, ikbkg, and ywhab) in different stages of gonadal development and different tissues of adult fish of C. fuscus. We used four software tools, namely BestKeeper, GeNorm, NormFinder, and RefFinder, to evaluate the expression stability of the internal reference genes. BestKeeper software evaluates the stability of internal reference genes by calculating the standard deviation (SD) and coefficient of variation (CV). The results showed that in different tissues of adult fish, the stability ranking of these genes was as follows: actb1>actb2 =ef1a>rpl13>ywhab>eef1b2>rpl13a>nm23>eif3g>ccdc124>rap1a>cfl1>ikbkg. In different stages of male and female gonadal development, the stability ranking of these genes was as follows: actb2>rpl13>ef1a>rpl13a>actb1>ywhab>cfl1>rap1a>eef1b2>eif3g>ccdc124>ikbkg>nm23. NormFinder suggested that the best stability ranking was as follows: actb2=rpl13>actb1>rpl13a>ywhab>nm23>rap1a>cfl1>eif3g>ef1a>ccdc124>ikbkg>eef1b2 in different tissues of adult fish and actb2=actb1>rpl13>ef1a>rpl13a>cfl1>ywhab>rap1a>nm23>eif3g>ccdc124>ikbkg>eef1b2 in different stages of male and female gonadal development. The geNorm screens for the most stable internal reference genes by comparing the stability value (M) of each internal reference gene. It indicated that the final stability ranking in different tissues was actb2=rpl13>rpl13a>actb1>ef1a>ccdc124>ywhab>rap1a>eif3g>nm23>eef1b2>ikbkg>cfl1, and actb1=rpl13>actb2>ef1a>rpl13a>cfl1>ywhab>ccdc124>rap1a>eif3g>nm23>eef1b2>ikbkg in different stages of male and female gonadal development. Finally, RefFinder analysis integrated the results of the other three software tools and showed that the comprehensive stability ranking of each gene in different tissues was actb2>rpl13>cfl1>rap1a>ef1a>rpl13a>ikbkg>eif3g>nm23>actb1>eef1b2>ywhab>ccdc124. In different stages of male and female gonadal development, the comprehensive stability ranking was actb2>rpl13>actb1>cfl1>rap1a>ef1a>rpl13a>ikbkg>eif3g>nm23>eef1b2>ywhab>ccdc124. Given this, we can conclude that actb2 is the best internal reference gene for C. fuscus. To validate the accuracy of the results, we selected actb2 and rpl13 as internal reference genes and compared their expression levels with those of four genes (zp3, atp2b3, slc13a5 and parp8) from transcriptome RNA-seq data. The fold changes in the expression levels were closer to the transcriptome data when using actb2 than when using rpl13, indicating that actb2 is more stable than rpl13. This study demonstrated that actb2 showed good stability among the 13 internal reference genes and could be used as an internal reference gene for different stages of gonadal development and different tissues of adult fish in C. fuscus. The results can provide technical support for the subsequent research on the functional gene expression patterns of C. fuscus and are expected to be applicable to other catfish species.
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