Ethics Statement

The editorial office of Progress in Fishery Sciences refers to ethical guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and combines the actual conditions of periodical publishing to formulate the following publication ethical guidelines. The editors, authors and reviewers should promise to abide by the following ethical standards of conduct. They should also follow other relevant regulations and requirements of the Progress in Fishery Sciences.


Code for Authors

1. Duplicate submission and redundant publication are forbidden.

2. Authors should adhere to publication requirements that submitted work is original, not plagiarized or falsified with data and has not been published elsewhere. The submission should not content with confidential information. Authors should take collective responsibility for submitted and published work.

3. The authorship of research publications should be limited to those who have made significant contributions to the study's design, implementation, interpretation or who have written essays and have made critical changes to the paper. The authorship cannot be freely modified.

4. Authors should give an objective evaluation to others' research achievements and cite reference in the manuscript.

6. Funding information with the research work must be declared in the manuscript.

7. Authors should show respect for the opinions of the reviewers. If discrepancies exist, authors can appeal to the editorial office


Code for Reviewers

1. The reviewer should follow the principle of objectiveness and impartiality, respect the existence of different academic opinions, and do not publish rude, degrading or non-objective comments.

2. Reviewers should respect the confidentiality of the peer review process and refrain from using information obtained during the peer review process for your own or another’s advantage, or to disadvantage or discredit others.

3. Reviewer should declare all potential competing, or conflicting, interests. If reviewers are unsure about a potential competing interest that may prevent you from reviewing, the review can be avoided.

4. Reviewer should always inform the journal promptly if your circumstances change and you cannot fulfil your original agreement of review.


Code for Editors

1. Based on reviewers' comments and review reports of editorial board, editors can accept, reject, or request changes to the manuscript.

2. Editors should treat each article fairly, ensure that the manuscripts received are submitted to peer review and publication in time.

3. The editor should keep confidential to the article content, the author's information and related matters. The editor should provide timely feedback of expert review comments to the authors, support academic discussions and coordinate communication between authors and reviewers. Under back-to-back review principle, there is an obligation to keep reviewer information confidential. The rude or defamatory reviews opinions should not be adopted.

4. The editor should not have any interest with the article or authors.

5. In the publication of the article, editors should do their best to help the author improve the quality of the manuscript, improve the language expression and standardize the format of the article.