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姜向阳1, 于广磊1, 宋秀凯1, 刘爱英1, 唐海田2, 何建龙1, 高继庆1, 刘丽娟1
1.山东省海洋资源与环境研究院 山东省海洋生态修复重点实验室 山东 烟台 264006;2.国家海洋局烟台海洋环境监测中心站 山东 烟台 264006
2015―2018年,对千里岩海域国家级水产种质资源保护区的海水、沉积物、海洋生物、保护生物资源概况进行调查和评价,并研究了主要保护对象刺参(Apostichopus japonicus)的遗传多样性。结果显示,保护区海水所测参数均符合评价标准,但氮磷比远高于Redfield比值,磷相对缺乏。潜在性富营养化评价显示,调查海域属Ⅰ级贫营养。沉积物均符合国家Ⅰ类质量标准。海洋生物多样性多处于较高水平(H¢≥2),但2015年8月小型浮游动物多样性偏低(H¢=0.93),2016年5月和2018年5月大型浮游动物多样性偏低(H¢=0.82,H¢=0.22)。综合评价认为,该保护区的海洋生态环境良好,满足保护区功能需求。保护区主要保护对象刺参的单倍型多样度指数为0.976,核苷酸多样度指数为0.033,遗传多样性较高,但资源量较保护地初建时下降;另一个保护对象皱纹盘鲍(Haliotis discus hannai)资源极少。需尽快采取强有力的措施开展保护区管理及资源恢复工作。
关键词:  千里岩  保护区  评价  刺参  遗传多样性
Survey and evaluation of the Qianliyan national aquatic germplasm reserve
JIANG Xiangyang1, YU Guanglei1, SONG Xiukai1, LIU Aiying1, TANG Haitian2, HE Jianlong1, GAO Jiqing1, LIU Lijuan1
1.Shandong Marine Resource and Environment Research Institute, Shandong Key Laboratory of Restoration Marine Ecology, Yantai, Shandong 264006, China;2.Yantai Marine Environment Monitoring Central Station of State Oceanic Administration, Yantai, Shandong 264006, China
Parameters related to the seawater, sediment, marine biological, and protected biological resources of Qianliyan national aquatic germplasm reserve were surveyed and evaluated from 2015 to 2018, and the genetic diversity of Apostichopus japonicas (the main protected object) was also studied in 2018. Our results showed that all of the measured parameters met the seawater evaluation standards, but the nitrogen to phosphorus ratios were far higher than the Redfield ratio of 16, indicating that phosphate was relatively deficient compared to nitrogen. Based on the eutrophication evaluation model, the surveyed area was classified as first-grade nutritionally poor. The observed sediment parameters met the Class 1 national sediment quality standards. The marine biodiversity indices were mostly at a high level (H′≥2); however, the diversity of small zooplankton was low in August 2015 (H′=0.93) and the diversity of macrozooplankton was low in May 2016 and May 2018 (H′=0.82, H′=0.22). Comprehensive evaluation showed that the marine ecological environment of the reserve was good and met the functional requirements. The haplotype diversity index of A. japonicas as the main protected object was 0.976, and the nucleotide polymorphisms index was 0.033, indicating that the genetic diversity of A. japonicus was high. The biological resource of A. japonicas was less than the amount when the reserve was built, and the biological resource of Haliotis discus hannai, another main protected object, has been extremely low in the last few years. It is therefore necessary to take strong measures to carry out reserve management and resource restoration work as soon as possible in Qianliyan national aquatic germplasm reserve.
Key words:  Qianliyan  Reserve  Evaluation  Apostichopus japonicas  Genetic diversity